Online ride sharing companies adapting to Californian rules
13 March 2014 by Steve Blum
casf, cpuc, innovation, lyft, ponderosa telephone, public policy, sunesys, surfnet, tnc, uber
casf, cpuc, innovation, lyft, ponderosa telephone, public policy, sunesys, surfnet, tnc, uber

If Lyft’s customers were this happy before there were rules, just think how they must feel now.
California’s pioneering attempt to regulate online ride sharing services such as Lyft and Uber seems to be going as smoothly anyone could expect. The California Public Utilities Commission was briefed this morning on progress made since it adopted rules setting safety, training, insurance and other operational standards for transportation network companies, as it now calls them, including…
… MoreObtain a permit from the [CPUC]…require criminal background checks for each driver, establish a driver training program, implement a zero-tolerance policy on drugs and alcohol, and require insurance coverage.